Sunday, June 6, 2010

The days in between

Believe it or not, we did take some time to relax, despite the multitude of things to see and places to go in the area. We tried for some 'down time' every other day and on those days we relaxed at our apartment, on the balconies, or took walks up to Parco Virgiliano near our place, or down to the beach at the end of our road. If in the city, we couldn't help but pop into any church with an open door, since usually, behind those doors, we were treated to amazing duomos, frescoes, lavish paintings and marble carvings.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Kim. Looks like you had a full Italian adventure with your parents. So glad they could visit and bring to you a bit of home; although, I can imagine that your idea of home has transitioned to a flat along the sea just outside of Naples. I miss you and would love to at least be in more regular e-mail contact. Which address are you using now? I'm

    How is your italian coming?

