Thursday, January 21, 2010

No news is good news, we hope!

We have started the negotiations process with the landlord of an apartment that we hope to get in Posillipo. I've been dying of suspense, so I called our Realtor today who said that the landlord's lawyers are currently reviewing the corporate lease document that we would be proposing to use. Our Realtor said he had hoped to hear from the landlord tomorrow, but "since we are in Napoli", he'll give it until mid next week, since things do take a lot longer here. In his opinion, "no news is good news", and being an optimist, he thinks we will get the place, but he's basing that solely on the fact that he is an optimist, not on anything he heard from the landlord or legal team. I'm also an optimist, so I'm hopeful we'll get it too! I'll definitely keep you posted, and would love all the luck and prayers you send our way so that we can hopefully soon be settled in this apartment and out of the hotel. Hard to believe we have been living in a hotel since the day before Thanksgiving, and with a newborn:) Calgon, take me away! ha!

I've attached some pictures of maps (and one of the view looking towards Posillipo) to give you an idea of where we currently are, and the different neighborhoods, including Posillipo, where we hope to be.

If you click on the map that is the 2nd to the bottom, it will enlarge. Our hotel is on Via Partenope in San Lucia neighborhood. I do my powerwalks through San Lucia, to Chiaia, and in the park between via Francesco Carriocciolo and Riviera di Chiaia. I sometimes also walk up to Via Posillipo, but the park is quieter. To get to the apartment we want, you have to go all the way up Via Posillipo, and then head down towards the water. Hopefully, we'll get settled into a new place soon, so that you can come and visit and we can give you a tour in person, vs. virtually:)

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