Thursday, October 28, 2010

Buon Compleanno Evan!! Tanti Auguri!

It's hard to believe, but Evan celebrated his 1st Birthday! We had a afternoon birthday party, since Evan,thankfully, goes to sleep every night by 7:30, and it was a big success. I made all the food that morning and the day before, and I was very excited that my homemade lasagna was a huge hit with the Italians! They also really liked the chocolate cake & vanilla frosting, and carrot cake cupcakes. Thank you Duncan Heinz and Betty Crocker..I owe ya one! (Also thanks to my NATO friend, Kirsty, who was able to buy the cake mixes on the military base for me.) His birthday theme was Mickey Mouse, and Evan had a great time with all the kids who turned up to help him celebrate. It was a very international party, with lots of Italian friends, plus a handful of Brits, Germans & Dutch. Bellissimo!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Home 'dolce' home in Napoli:)

After almost a year of Italian living, Naples, and our neighborhood of Posillipo, is definitely starting to feel more and more like home. Since our trip to Vienna, we have been relaxing a lot at home, and keeping busy with Evan and all of our new friends. After so many weekends 'on the go' this summer with weekend getaways and multiple road trips, it's been nice to be home and to just hang out with friends and with each other. Don't get me wrong, we are always itching for a road trip, and we have our next destinations (Edinburgh, followed by Munich/Insbrook/Salzburg)already planned, but in the meantime, I thought it was time to post some pictures of just our normal, every day living in Posillipo pictures.